Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Effect A Principal Can Have

The Effect a Principal Can Have

                         I was watching the news with my parents in our family room, as I would on any regular weeknight, and all of the stories were the same old, dark stories about the atrocities of the world we all live in. But something that I commend NBC Nightly News on, is the way they end their regular program; with a heart-warming news piece. This particular night, the story especially caught my attention. Lester Holt introduced the story as he always does, but this time he lead with a message about how much a principal in Raleigh, NC, has been changing students lives.
                         Elizabeth MacWilliams has made an effort to connect to her students more than most principals do. The care and passion she puts into her job is apparent in her school. The particular student they loomed in on the news piece, Alana Jackson, has achieved honor roll in her school and enjoys cheer and lacrosse. She was formerly a struggling student who needed a connection. Once the principal became involved in her life, her success grew. Her mother and her attribute her success to the principal and the connection she has made with them. It is just another example of how far a connection in the school environment can go to increase the productivity and happiness in a student.
                        I encourage all principals or vice principals to do something similar to Elizabeth MacWilliams. While it is an extreme challenge, it can provide incredible benefits for the students. Making the stretch for your students makes them feel valued, appreciated, and makes students feel like they have a home in school if it may be observed that the student doesn't have a great home life. The administrators can use this acquired knowledge to make the school a comfortable environment for each student.